R&D with two-part pourable foam
Vacuum bagging of a leading edge mold
Inner laminate and core repair using the inner laminate as a step to hold the new mold piece in place for bonding with micro-balloon infused resin
Repair consisting of Eight-layers of fiberglass laid at a 45 angle on the belly of a glider.
Repair around nose wheel area on a Grob G103
The laminating of a reconstructed and restored floorboard section of a Cirrus SR22.
Canopy hinge replacement of a Ventus-2 Glider
Typical gear up belly repair of a high-performance sailplane
Vacuum bagging the outer laminate of a Diamond DA20 wing
Creation of a cover plate replacement for the tail section of a Baron B55
Created an opening to access the bell-crank.
Inner laminate and core bond using the inner laminate as a step to hold the (Using top-side of the wing as a mold) new mold piece in place for bonding with micro-balloon infused resin.